Scottish Miscellany: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Scotland the Brave, is now available from
Skyhorse Publishing, written by me -
Jonathan Green.

Last year Skyhorse published another of my books, called
Christmas Miscellany: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Christmas. It has it's own blog
As you have probably worked out for yourself by now the book answers all those questions you've ever had about Scottish culture, Scotland and the Scots themselves.

What do Scotsmen wear under their kilts? What is a haggis, really? Why is Robert Burns so celebrated by Scots around the world? Is there really a monster in Loch Ness? And how does Sean Connery get away with using the same Scottish accent no matter what role he's playing?

All these questions - and more! - will be answered in the book (except maybe the one about Sean Connery) which will also include recipes, poems and interesting snippets of factual information from time to time.
You can order yours via the link on this page now!